The Scrambler

It’s been a long time since I’ve talked about food. Which is a shame. Because I love food.


Actual photo of my desk… my coworkers are cruel

To be honest, I love carbs.  Not the healthy whole grains and vegetables but the donuts and pasta.  Low quality carbs are my Achilles heel.  So I’ve recently (New Years Resolution in coming) decided to actively attempt to cut back on carbs. I’m not cutting them out completely. Carbs are good, they fuel your body and a runner depends on them.  I’m cutting out the junk carbs and ramping up my vegetables mostly.  And with that plan came a problem with my meal planning. You see a lot of my meals revolve around sandwiches.  Sandwiches are not bad, but I could do better than fill myself with supermarket bread.  So I invented my scrambler.


It happened quite by accident.  I had a rotisserie chicken in the fridge, had a cold and was craving eggs.  Quite a strange mix of circumstances, I know.  Anyways, I decided to scramble up some eggs with the chicken and that gave me an idea.  What if I take my normal salmon-avocado sandwich… and put it in a scrambled egg.  If you don’t like salmon or the smell of fish this is not for you.  My poor roommate has to live with a house that smells like salmon.  I think it’s lovely myself.

Here’s the recipe, the serving size is for one person:


2 eggs, whipped up with almond milk
Frozen pepper/onion blend vegetables
Mrs. Dash Chipotle seasoning (no salt!)
Pink Salmon (canned, bagged or cooked and flaked if you have it!)
Avocado (half of a large avocado)
Optional:  Sharp cheddar


  1. Whip up the eggs with the almond milk and pour mixture into skillet over medium heat.
  2. Season eggs in skillet.  Toss in some peppers/onions, as much as desired.  Stir occasionally while it cooks.
  3. Put salmon is skillet with eggs, preferably while it’s still uncooked so you get an egg coating.  I use about 4 oz. salmon.
  4. Cut up or smash (whichever way you prefer) your avocado and place on a plate.
  5. When eggs are finished cooking, toss in some cheese if you’d like and melt in.
  6. Place scrambled eggs on avocado and enjoy!

I wish I had a picture to share! This is a very tasty, very filling meal I have for most lunches.  It will keep you full for hours, thanks to all the protein.  It can make a fabulous breakfast if you have time before running out the door.  I prefer a parfait myself to start fresh!


I should try adding tomatoes… that sounds amazing too!

Try it out and customize it to make it your own! I’d love to hear your variations, variety is good!


Welcome to the most Alaskan blog post I’m likely to ever make. The one in which I instruct you to eat salmon, as it is a glorious food source almost unmatched in nutritional benefits. It’s almost perfect… unless you are a vegetarian or hate fish.


If you enjoy fishing, as I do, you have two options. Either you are a catch-and-release sports fisherman or you are going to be bringing home dinner.  I am the later, as I don’t personally ascribe to risking killing an animal I have no intention of eating. So, it’s of good fortune I happen to love fish.  Salmon is a hell of a fish to catch, very thrilling and satisfying when you land a big one. It is also among the ‘fishier’ fish, and cooking it is the difference between gagging and enjoying your meal.


It’s important for you to enjoy your food. For one, life is too short. On another level, salmon is a fantastic and healthy meal. A filet of salmon is power-packed with high quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids and a smorgasbord of vitamins and minerals. There are four major specifies of salmon in Alaska that we love to fish. High among them is the King Salmon, also known as the Chinook Salmon. It’s both a fun catch, averaging around 30 lbs, and has a delicious distribution of fat within the meat. The perfect fish for steaks. Which leads me to my most important point.

If you are going to eat salmon, and you definitely should, you really need to know how to prepare it. There are two variations I really enjoy, for different reasons.

  1. IMG_2377The Filet.  The better the filet is cut, with minimal bones, the better it is to eat. A good filet means less work, more pay off.  It’s also important to eat these filets sooner rather than later. The longer the fish stays in the freezer, the fishier it will get. Keep that in mind if you want a light seafood dinner.  Place your filets on a baking sheet, set your oven to 400 degrees and season. I like to use either a salt rub of lemon slices. Bake for 15 minutes until the meat flakes easily.
  2. IMG_2483The Steak. Steaking a salmon is to cut it into slices from head to tail with the spine in. Baking these is just as simple as the filet, it’s the bones that are the problem. These are also fantastic for grilling but I do not have the experience in that regard. Also grilled fish is drier, and personally I would rather eat a succulent meat.  So once you have the steaks arranged on a baking sheet, drizzle olive oil across the tops. This helps seal in the fats and oil, maintaining moisture.  Salmon steaks are best mildly seasoned. They need nothing more than a sprinkle of lemon pepper and they are good to go. Bake for 15 minutes and you are ready to eat.

Stay nutrition, keep your salmon delicious and have a good meal. Don’t forget the tartar sauce.

Camp Cooking


I love camping… it’s one of my favorite parts of the summer.  And I live in Alaska where if you are not camping, you are wasting your hard-earned summer time here. I love the quiet solitude, the simplicity of camp life… and the food.

Now when I think of camp food it’s more sophisticated than it used to be. When I was younger our meals during camping centered around the packed sandwiches and hot dogs roasting on a stick over the fire. These days I can invest in my own equipment and plan my own trip… and the food is my major focus to be honest.

If you like camping and want to experience really good, wholesome meals while doing it… let me suggest a few methods

  1. The tinfoil packets on the coals method.  This method is perfect for budgeting campers or those who like to prep food in the comfort of their home kitchen. What you do is pretty simple. You take a large piece of tinfoil and lay it out. Load it up with your meal and wrap it closed in a pouch. Make a few, stick them in baggy and you have a quick cook meal ready to go when you get your coals ready.  I like to make a classic pot roast style meal in these pouches. Get a steak and toss in some chopped carrots, onion and potatoes.
    images (1)
  2. The Dutch Oven or Cast-Iron Skillet method.  Here you would be using a very traditional version of campfire cooking. The skillet itself can rest on some coals, as well as the dutch oven. Or the dutch oven could be suspended over the open flames of the fire.  The dutch oven is a perfect way to make a stew or to back bread. Yes… you can bake fresh bread at a campsite! The cast iron skillet can also be used to make camp biscuits or a one pot entrée like a stir-fry or casserole.
  3. The Campfire/Lumberjack Grill method. Here you have a standing grill grate made of heavy iron that you can set up quickly over the open flame of your campfire. This is perfect for your basic grilling needs, especially if you just had a successful day of fishing! You can also use it to set up a cast-iron skillet or dutch oven to make a side to go with your meat.
  4. The Camp Stove method.  This is my new favorite go-to method for preparing meals. This is simply a scaled down version of a propane barbecue grill. I have this exact model, with the half-grill and half-stove design. I find it multi-purpose, reliable and easy to use. For these you need smaller, backpacker style pots as the dutch oven and cast iron skillet are just too heavy and large to work on this.  You can get the same results as the lumberjack grill from #3, but with less hassle and clean-up.  It will cost you about $100 more at the very least, so it’s up to you on whether it’s a worthy investment.

Well now you know the gamut of available camp ground cooking styles and equipment.  There is plenty of room to mix and match for your desirable trip.  Honestly, I will use the foil packets on the camp stove in a heart beat. I have a dutch oven and a cast iron skillet in my camp-kitchen bag for when the mood strikes me.  The only one I don’t have is the lumberjack grill… and only because I chose the stove instead.

It is worth noting, particularly since I am experiencing this first-hand here, that there are times when the weather forces a burn-ban. Bans vary in degrees, but the only one of my methods listed above that generally remains open for use is the camp stove. The enclosed, controlled fire with contained ignition sources are provided only reliably with the stove and so the stove is usually the cooking equipment to be banned.

Next Food Friday… we will cover just what to cook with these options…

Carrot Cake Day

My birthday is just around the corner and that only means one thing to me… It’s carrot cake time!

Smiley Cake

My favorite cake is carrot cake. I have no idea why… something about cooked vegetables in sweets makes my taste buds happy.  For instance sweet potato pie… strawberry rhubarb pie… these have vegetables in them.  And they are a few of my favorite things.


Now there are a lot of variations to carrot cake. My sister bakes me the best (not that I’m biased or anything). I have to grate my own carrots for her to mix in. She adds crushed pineapple and skips the walnut, for my preference. She also uses whole wheat pastry flour, which is great if you are trying to avoid the more processed all-purpose bleached flour and get more fiber in your diet.


If you are health/calorie conscious, there are many ways to customize your own variation of this cake. I have seen suggestions for using more pineapple rather than sugar for the sweetness, relying on more walnuts or even coconut for flavor or using buttermilk in substitution for oil. The wonders of this cake are in the many ways you can change ingredients to get the right taste or nutrition from it as you prefer.

For a good starter recipe I’d suggest following Bob’s Red Mill’s.  This recipe comes from the company’s whole wheat pastry flour bag and my sister has been using it for years.  She exchanges olive oil for the canola oil, skips the walnuts, adds more carrot and uses butter instead of margarine.  You could go farther and use low-fat cream cheese or skip the frosting all together! The cake is so moist it’s really not necessary!


Let’s be honest, we all need some sweets now and again. If you are on a weight-loss diet, or just following a controlled and healthy diet, you should give yourself a day to enjoy a little sweets.  Especially on your birthday!

THE Protein Shake

If you’ve gotten into fitness, training, weight-lose, etc and done any research on what to be eating, inevitably you have heard about the wonders of protein shakes.  Protein shakes have their positives and negatives, supporters and nay-sayers.  I personally do not train at such a level to need or require a daily/after workout shake.  I would say at my rather casually athletic level, an occasional shake as either a meal replacement or supplement on particularly hardy days is a good choice.

protien-before-and-after-workoutAs I’ve mentioned, there are pro’s and con’s to high protein diets.  A protein shake fits nicely into a high protein diet and is more ideal for the rigorously training athletic elites at the gym.  The general athletic level individual can get some benefits from indulging in these shakes on occassion.  In fact, I would say a well planned protein shake can be as satisfying for you as a dessert but with much better nutritional value for your indulgence. My word of advice here is moderation.  Having a protein shake as a regular part of your diet without either substituting a meal or hitting the gym till you can barely function will add inches to your waistline and you will lose benefits rather than gain any.

If you have already developed your own protein shake recipe this may be a nice one to switch things up. If you’re particularly new and wondering where to start I will hopefully be able to offer you some inspiration.  My shake recipe is more of a guideline of ingredients that I usually mix by preference.  Some people like certain ingredient more than others, and the beauty is in the personalization.  For starters I would suggest following serving size suggestions and eye-balling it to make sure you have a good consistency.

I am going to list ingredients in order of how I plop them in my blender.  Over trial and error I have discovered a ‘better’ layering technique that doesn’t jam my old, cheap blender. If you have a Ninja… lucky you!

  • Greek Yogurt:  I use plain 0% fat greek yogurt, usually a few dollops of my favorite Faye I constantly keep on hand.
  • Body-FortressProtein Powder:  Luckily these come with handy serving size scoops. Any protein powder works, this is what they are made for. I currently am trying to use up my Body Fortress Chocolate & Peanut Butter. I feel obligated to finish and not waste, even if I am lactose-intolerant and regret my decision to get this type.  Body Fortress is a Whey-Protein powder, which is a type that dominates the current market. They are good form of digestible protein, made from a bi-product of cheese production, and from my experience they have the best consistency and flavor. They are also a dairy product so if you are like me use at your own risk. There are vegan varieties available as well.
  • Peanut Butter:  I like creamy peanut butter… you can use crunchy if you want a special kick.  Peanut butter brings added iron to the table along with the protein.  It’s also delicious, helps make a smooth shake and is always on hand in my house.
  • Blueberries: Helpful tip, use frozen berries.  This is a perfect way to firm up and cool the shake without adding ice that will water it down. And don’t hold back! The blueberries add great flavor and are considered a superfood!  These little delicious morsels have vitamins, magnesium and even protein… and plenty of healthy sugar. Who doesn’t want a sugary superfood?!
  • Chia Seeds:  Chia seeds are actually seeds from a grass plant. They are itty-bitty things that you can pour in, blend and sip without even noticing they are in the shake. Chai Seeds are considered another superfood, mostly due to their high Omega-3 content without being an animal product. The health benefits are all over the internet, just google them and read all the wonderful news. Honestly it may seem strange at first… I remember being a little unsure… but they really are an good addition that passes unnoticed more often than not.
  • Banana:  OOooh I shouldn’t have to tell you why you need banana’s.  These are an important fruit for both nutrition and flavor. What shake is complete without the delicious banana?
  • Milk:  Now when all is said and done, check out your blending shake.  If your portions of ingredients are on the dry side you will know when nothing actually blends. For times like that I add almond milk to help make the shake a real shake.

protein-shakes-for-weight-lossThis is more of our family secret shake to be honest. When I was first setting out of my weight-lose/get healthy journey I had asked my older brother for advice/guidance.  Now you see, this brother is the most fit person I know. He is the individual who can drink a protein shake, run a mountain, come back down and drink another.  He suggested when I first started to revamp my food choices that I substitute the occasional meal with a protein shake. Since I had no idea how to go about that, he showed me his secret list of ingredients.  I found the combination rather repulsing to start, something about berries and peanut butter just made the whole thing questionable to my mind.  However I tried it, for the record he likes more berries than I do, and I have since been turned to the protein shake fan club.

Hope you have fun trying your own shake! Keep your options open, don’t take this list to be the end-all-be-all for shake manufacture.  There are always new findings in nutrition health, and any time you come across a tasty superfood that you think may work just throw it in and try it! Happy shaking this summer!